Steps in Creating Your Employee Manual- Human Resources Department

© Jerry Belch

WorkFlow/Overview of Project
  1. Step1: Prepare a timeline to assure successful completion of employee manual.
  2. Step 2: Identify components to be included in the manual. Use VE curriculum unit for the Employee Manual to determine which items would be appropriate for your company. Be thorough. This manual should anticipate and address any company/employee/customer items or issues that are relevant to your workplace.
  3. Step 3: Identify staff to research and write specific sections, i.e. employee dicipline, dress code, customer service procedures, etc.
  4. Step 4: Compile all written files into one file. Read all sections and modify to normalize writing style. Read for clarity and understanding.
  5. Step 5: Print a rough draft. Submit to CEO/Admin team for approval. (Another copy could be printed and proofread by someone in another department to provide input regarding grammar, style, clarity of procedures, and understanding of policies.)
  6. Step 6: Revise manual as needed
  7. Step 7 Print, collate and bind employee manual(s)

The primary purpose of an Employee Manual is to provide employees with information about the company and the company's philosophy, employment practices, and policies. It also provides information concerning the benefits provided to the employees and explains the conduct expected from the employees.¹

Prepare an Employee Manual that clearly defines policies and procedures as indicated in the curriculum unit. At the minimum, this manual should reflect the company's responsibility
to the employees, expectations of all employees, employee benefits, safety procedures, and clearly defined policies and procedures for employee dicipline.²

The first step in organizing how your department works is to

Materials to collect

  1. Printout the curriculum unit for the Employee manual. - VE Website

  2. Printout the Employee Manual Workflow. - VE Website

  3. Project needs to be done before
    end of week 12 ( before Thanksgiving) if you want to enter the Employee Manual Competition at the Bakersfield Trade Fair. - VE Website

  4. Printout a Sample Employee Manual. From Janet's Web Site Work Samples from Teachers- Newsletters, Flyers, Employee, Business Partner Letters.

  5. Printout the Human Resource/Employee Manual Scenario Competition Overview.
    The Rubric for judging is part of this document.- VE Website

  6. Print out Cathy's Department Template From Janet's Web Site Helpful Forms-Forms, Templates and Letters

  7. Printout VE Progress Logs from Janet's Web Site Helpful Forms-Forms, Templates and Letters

  8. Obtain a copy of your school's student handbook - view attendance, tardy and suspension policies.

    Teacher's Responsibility

  9. Using the curriculum unit for the employee manual, fill out the Department Template for each department. -What do you want them to accomplish this week.

  10. Make a copy of the Department Template for each department manager and give the Department Templates to the CEO.

  11. CEO gives out Department Template to each department head.

  12. Department head gives out Progress Logs to each employee and from the Department template and the curriculum assigns each employee the tasks for the week.

  13. Employee work and fills in information f the Progress Log.

  14. Completed Progress Logs for each employee are given to the department at end of week.

  15. Department heads turn progress logs over to CEO.

  16. CEO turns over progress logs to teacher.

  17. Set up a filing cabinet drawer for these materials, so you won't have to go through this process next year.

  18. Evaluate each week's assignment to see if it is completed. You may need to adjust the amount of time for each week's assignment.

  19. When project is completed, go over scenarios and rubric to make sure all items are there.

Step-By-Step Instructions

Human Resources (Employee Manual) Week 1

Using the materials that you printed out we are going to prepare department templates for this project.

  1. Timeline for the project is 7 weeks. Go through curriculum and divide into 7 equal sections.
  2. Using the curriculum from the Employee Manual Recommended Steps to Follow, complete steps 1,2,3,4,5
  3. Teacher gives printout of this week's department template and blank project logs, for each employee in HR, to the VP of Human Resources. VP should distribute the workload among department employees. Each employee fills in their own log with assignments given by the VP of HR.
Important: Print For Details -Week 1            Sample Assignment Department Templates Week 1

Human Resources (Employee Manual) Week 2

  1. B. Employment Policies - all bulleted points that pertain to your company.
  2. Teacher gives printout of this week's department template and blank project logs, for each employee in HR, to the VP of Human Resources. VP should distribute the workload among department employees. Each employee fills in their own log with assignments given by the VP of HR.
Important: Print For Details - Week 2            Sample Assignment Department Templates Week 2

Human Resources (Employee Manual) Week 3

  1. C. Standards of Conduct - all bulleted points that apply to your company

  2. D. Compensation and Performance - All bulleted points that apply to your company.
  3. Teacher gives printout of this week's department template and blank project logs, for each employee in HR, to the VP of Human Resources. VP should distribute the workload among department employees. Each employee fills in their own log with assignments given by the VP of HR.
Important: Print For Details - Week 3            Sample Assignment Department Templates Week 3

Human Resources (Employee Manual) Week 4

  1. E. Work Schedule - all bulleted items that apply to your company
  2. F. Benefits - all bulleted items that apply to your company.
  3. Teacher gives printout of this week's department template and blank project logs, for each employee in HR, to the VP of Human Resources. VP should distribute the workload among department employees. Each employee fills in their own log with assignments given by the VP of HR.
Important: Print For Details - Week 4            Sample Assignment Department Templates Week 4

Human Resources (Employee Manual) Week 5

  1. G. Government Required Coverage - all bulleted items that apply to your company
  2. H. Profit Sharing & Retirement - all bulleted items that apply to your company.
  3. I. Other Benefits - all bulleted items that apply to your company.
  4. Teacher gives printout of this week's department template and blank project logs, for each employee in HR, to the VP of Human Resources. VP should distribute the workload among department employees. Each employee fills in their own log with assignments given by the VP of HR.
Important: Print For Details - Week 5            Sample Assignment Department Templates Week 5

Human Resources (Employee Manual) Week 6

  1. J. Safety Rules - all bulleted points that apply to your company
  2. K. Other Company Policies
  3. Teacher gives printout of this week's department template and blank project logs, for each employee in HR, to the VP of Human Resources. VP should distribute the workload among department employees. Each employee fills in their own log with assignments given by the VP of HR.
Important: Print For Details - Week 6            Sample Assignment Department Templates Week 6

Human Resources (Employee Manual)Week 7

  1. Compile all written files into one file. Read all sections and modify to normalize writing style. Read for clarity and understanding.
  2. Print a rough draft. Submit to CEO/Admin team for approval. (Another copy could be printed and proofread by someone in another department to provide input regarding grammar, style, clarity of procedures, and understanding of policies.)
  3. Revise manual as needed
  4. Print, collate and bind employee manual(s)
  5. Create an abridged version of the Employee Manual to be issued to each employee.
  6. Create a PowerPoint presentation that outlines what is included in the Employee Manual
  7. Look over the judging rubric and 10 scenarios for competition.
  8. Teacher gives printout of this week's department template and blank project logs, for each employee in HR, to the VP of Human Resources. VP should distribute the workload among department employees. Each employee fills in their own log with assignments given by the VP of HR.
Important: Print For Details - Week 7            Sample Assignment Department Templates Week 7

1. Virtual Enterprise California - Employee Manual Workflow

2. Virtual Enterprise California - Employee Manual Curriculum

Virtual Enterprise California
Janet's Web Site -Helpful forms-Forms and Templates
Example of a Progress Log for Week 5
Flash Movie on How to Make an Employee Manual